For as long as we've been selling strings, Shoreline Music has had the best everyday prices. With free shipping on every US order and 5% loyalty rewards, our string offerings can't be beat.
For as long as we've been selling strings, Shoreline Music has had the best everyday prices. With free shipping on every US order and 5% loyalty rewards, our string offerings can't be beat.
Sold Out $195.00
Open box return. Regular price $295. Sold as-is.
The Red-Eye Twin does the basic Fire-Eye Red-Eye preamp one better: It adds a second channel. This means that if you have both a mandolin and a guitar onstage that you want plugged into the great features of a Fire-Eye, you can just use this single box, and save yourself a bit of money.
Now, while the Twin works great as an easy onstage instrument switcher, one hidden feature of this preamp is that it can also be used as a blending preamp. With the DTAR Solstice on indefinite hold as Seymour Duncan redesigns it, this may be your best bet for a dual source / blending preamp and DI.
Pure sound, ease of use and phantom power! No unnecessary features and built like a tank. Go for it... and Shoreline is a fabulous vendor.
I found this on the closeout page of Shoreline and had been somewhat looking for a new pre-amp for my guitars. I play several different guitars with a wide variety of pick-ups from K&K Mini to Taylor's expression to a Sunrise soundhole to Baggs M-1 active and M-80 and I wanted a pre-amp that would work and sound well for all. I have been using the Baggs Para DI and was very happy with it, but after reading some of the reviews for the Red-Eye, I decided to take the plunge especially since it was on sale. I am so glad that I did. The difference is subtle but significant at the same time. My listeners will probably not notice much change unless I was to A/B them side by side. But I noticed a difference immediately, the sound was more open and airy, much like my guitar when I don't plug in and play in the glass stairwell in my workplace. (I take time to play during lunch as a stress reducer.) I don't have the EQ capability with the Red-Eye but I don't miss it as I have excellent EQ capabilities on my mixing console. The benefit of having two sources allows me to switch between guitars with alternate tuning's and also to switch out guitars when playing a gig as I can mute one and have my son exchange guitars when he re-tunes one that I will be using later. I have never had a boost switch before and that is another blessing as now I don't have to attack certain passages when I want to be louder. I can play consistently and increase the volume with a mere foot tap. I have already recommended this to several friends. As always John and the Shoreline staff are first class in their help and quick shipping.
BTW, I recommend you visit the closeout page from time to time as there are frequently some great deals at respectable prices and John ALWAYS stands behind his products. I have found many toys to supplement my instrument gallery from this venue. I find I can try things at a more reasonable cost that I might not have tried if I paid full price.