For as long as we've been selling strings, Shoreline Music has had the best everyday prices. With free shipping on every US order and 5% loyalty rewards, our string offerings can't be beat.
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As you probably know after checking out our site a bit, Shoreline Music has the best return policy on the planet: You may return or cancel any new purchase for any reason. This includes custom instruments. Now, on those exceedingly rare occasions where we get a canceled custom guitar, I get a cool instrument in the shop that I would not otherwise have ordered.
In this case, it's a sweet 12-fret version of one of Brook's smaller models, the Lyn. This custom guitar also features a nice right-arm bevel, but given the legendary playability of Brooks and the smaller dimensions of this model, that bevel is just icing on an already comfortable and playable cake. The focused clarity of the smaller body is warmed up nicely by the 12-fret build. Some small guitars sound, well, small. This ain't one of those. You're going to love it.