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I'll never forget the first time I played a Jamie Kinscherff guitar. It was many years ago, and I walked into a little guitar shop just to try out some handmade guitars. You'll see in the product listings below that the body and headstock of Jamie's High Noon model are a little reminiscent of the Northwood Mini Jumbo, and I distractedly picked up a High Noon thinking it was indeed a Northwood. As I chatted about guitars, I started playing, only to be surprised by this tremendous ring, balance, and projection emanating from the guitar I was holding. I checked the headstock, and thought, "Holy cow, why haven't I heard of this Kinscherff fellow before? This is the best guitar in the shop!".
Of course, now, many years down the road, acoustic guitar fanatics are more than familiar with Jamie's guitars, and I'm happy to say that we have them in our shop. They boast fantastic craftsmanship and the sort of restrained, woody aesthetic that I like so much in many of the guitars we carry. The tone is balanced, playability is fantastic, and these guitars are just plain fun to make music with. Jamie only makes about a dozen guitars a year, so these can be pretty hard to come by. If you're lucky enough to stop by our shop when we have one in stock, you will not be disappointed.