Please note that we have mix-and-match bulk pricing on all John Pearse strings. The unit price of every John Pearse string set in your shopping cart will decrease as you add more. This is to cover the fixed costs of offering free shipping on smaller orders, but give you better discounts on larger amounts.

I know that retailers are not supposed to take sides, or recommend one brand over another, but I just can't help myself with John Pearse. These really are our favorite strings. Their tone is full, articulate, and lively. They fatten up treble-y guitars, and brighten up bass-y ones. Every guitar I own is strung with JPs, and nearly every guitar in our shop is, too. Most folks who buy them from us for the first time wonder why they haven't been playing on them for years. Whether you're playing 6-string or 12-string guitar, mandolin, or banjo, you owe it to yourself to try at least one set.

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