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Welcome to Shoreline's Closeouts page. Here you'll find some great deals on gear from throughout the store. Products listed here will include items that have been discontinued (either by us or the manufacturer), open-box stuff (noted as such when applicable), and other goodies. Please note that all gear sold on this page is sold "as-is", with no warranty, guarantee, or returns. It's all great gear, it ships to you complete with the requisite accessories, and it's all in fine shape—we don't try to resell anything that is damaged or non-functioning. In fact, all open-box goods get tested before they head back out the door, so you can trust that you're getting great gear.
Please note: We get large freight shipments of speakers, amps, etc delivered to us pretty regularly. Occasionally, something on one of these pallets gets a corner smooshed in or a hole in the side of the box. It's all new gear, but I can't sell it as "new" given the condition of the packaging. So, we sell it here on our Closeouts. Savvy Shoreline Music customers know that these are the best deal going, so be sure to check back often.
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