For as long as we've been selling strings, Shoreline Music has had the best everyday prices. With free shipping on every US order and 5% loyalty rewards, our string offerings can't be beat.
Back in January 2002, I had a customer who lived down the road from Dermot Mcilroy's shop in Antrim, near Belfast in Ireland. He recommended I give Dermot a call. I ordered an A30 (his standard spruce/rosewood build), and the day the guitar arrived, I sat down to play it for a few minutes. After my jaw dropped at the amazing tone coming from this rather affordable instrument, I called Dermot to say that he and I were going to sell a lot of guitars together.
And that we did: As Dermot's original US dealer, we helped to put Mcilroy Guitars on the map in the early days. Folks loved the guitars as much as we did, and a lot of Mcilroys have come through our shop over the years. We've found a lot of success with pretty standard builds—the cedar/walnut A25 and the spruce/rosewood A30 stand out—but there are plenty of custom options worth considering. For example, the best 12-string guitar I have ever played is the Mcilroy AJ20-12. We've sold several, and they simply sing. We've done Mcilroys in cocobolo, Claro walnut, Brazilian, and much more. They all sound fantastic.