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As far as tone goes, the David Deluxe is about as good as it gets with Schertler. Just plugging this thing in flat, with no EQ or tweaking, is an ear-opening experience. Fat, solid lows, crisp highs, and plenty of guts to drive a sizeable space. But tone is just the beginning; the feature set on this is out of this world. A separate headphone preamp, 4 band EQ + filter on each channel, input pad, phase switches on each channel, phantom power on each channel, and, my favorite on the list: A intelligent input that senses the impedance of the signal source automatically.
At nearly 30 pounds, this amp is not light, but it's 14 pounds lighter and $400 less expensive than Schertler's top dog, the Unico Deluxe. As such, I think this amp hits the high-end sweet spot better than anything else in the Schertler lineup, and I recommend it highly.