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ToneDexter II is an innovative professional grade preamp that improves the sound of an acoustic instrument pickup. It can learn the difference between how an instrument sounds through a microphone and how it sounds through its pickup. Using proprietary WaveMap® technology, it corrects the pickup so that it sounds like the mic.
ToneDexter II restores the rich body tone of your acoustic instrument to the pickup using proprietary digital signal processing technology combined with a pristine analog signal path.
Audio Sprockets has created a way to learn the difference between the sound coming from the pickup, and the sound coming from a microphone, placed in front of the instrument, and use that information to create a transformation called a WaveMap.
Once you have stored your mic sound into ToneDexter II, simply plug in your instrument and play.
ToneDexter II works with guitar, violin, mandolin, dobro, banjo, upright bass, and most other acoustic stringed instruments.