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The Zoom A3 is without a doubt one of the most versatile preamps we sell. For folks who have the time and energy to learn its intricacies, it's a really powerful piece of gear at a great price. But a lot of players—myself included—just want something that makes my job onstage easier. I want to plug in, and not sweat learning all the settings and dials (this is part of why I so often play hybrid guitars onstage; they just get the job done without a lot of fiddling).
Enter the Zoom AC-2: Automated gain settings (the first time I've seen this under $200), automated feedback suppression, and all the best features I've come to hope for in a stage preamp. These include a bunch of quite good modeling presets, boost switch, built in muting tuner (that works!), stereo output, and multiple power options. I do wish it had phantom power so I didn't have to worry about wall warts or batteries, but this complaint is by no means unique to this preamp.