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Avalon guitars are, of course, exquisite instruments. When I see a cool set of tonewood, one of the first questions I ask is "How can I get Avalon to build a guitar with this?". Our previous experiments have been stunning, and the guitar you see listed here is no exception.
Steve McIlwraith showed me a bunch of sets of Indonesian Rosewood they're sitting on, and I knew I had to have a guitar (or several) built with this wood. So, I commissioned this cool custom you see here. To make it more Shoreline-y, we began tossing around ideas for a custom inlay. The one you see here was the obvious choice: From afar, it looks like a treble clef, but in close, you can see that it blends the Shoreline and Avalon logos for an elegant symbol of our friendship.
And the tone? To die for. Lush, reverberant, with sustain that lasts an eternity. It boasts great clarity and volume, an Ebony-esque blend of the best aspects of Cocobolo (my favorite tonewood) and Koa or Blackwood. You're going to love this.