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I think the "S" in this guitar's name doesn't really refer to the Avalon's body size—I think it stands for "So much to like about this guitar" or "Stunning" or "Shoreline should order more of these".
I mean, yes, it's gorgeous, a small-bodied Ard Rí build from Avalon, all of which have lately tended toward the simple and restrained aesthetic that I'm so drawn to. And, yes, it's my favorite tonewood on the planet, Mexican Cocobolo. And the smaller dimensions probably double my available playing time (full scale, but easier to reach around with my picking hand).
But the tone is where this shines, with an uncommon combination of small-guitar ring, clarity, and balance, really filled out with some Cocobolo beefiness. It's interesting to compare this to our signature Taylor build. In that guitar, the Spruce + Cocobolo combo results in a stunning clarity that leaps out of the guitar like no other Taylor. But in this Avalon, that Spruce + Cococbolo clarity is complemented by a ringy responsiveness and a nice dose of beefy lows. This is a killer guitar.