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Northwood's rosewood mini-jumbo is a fantastic instrument: balanced, lush, and responsive. It was my primary instrument for many years, and after countless hours with this guitar in my hands, I can report that it really is all it is cracked up to be. It's a great strummer, great for open-tuned fingerstyle, easy to play, and easy to make sound good. The mahogany version of this guitar tends to emphasize fundamentals a bit more, while this model is stronger on the rosewood-y overtones. I recommend it without reservation.
And, if you ever come by our Durango shop, I apologize in advance if the guitar has been left in Eb-Ab-Db-Eb-Ab-Eb tuning; this is still my favorite guitar in the entire world on which to play Ed Gerhard's "The Handing Down". Nothing else I've tried comes close.