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As you know if you've read my prior descriptions of the Northwood rosewood Mini-Jumbo (or watched my video review from a few years back), I'm a huge fan. I've been selling these for years, and they have a real knack for finding happy homes. Is it the rich, resonant responsiveness? Is it the playable neck? The great sustain and dynamic range? Whatever it is, this is both a store favorite and a customer favorite.
But I always have a slightly sentimental attachment to the cutaway version of this guitar, since a Northwood exactly like this one was my main guitar for about 6 years. Out of all the guitars that crossed the threshold of Shoreline Music 16 years ago, that Northwood Mini-Jumbo was the one that sang to me. I no longer own it, so I'm always stoked to get another one just like it in the shop.