For as long as we've been selling strings, Shoreline Music has had the best everyday prices. With free shipping on every US order and 5% loyalty rewards, our string offerings can't be beat.
For as long as we've been selling strings, Shoreline Music has had the best everyday prices. With free shipping on every US order and 5% loyalty rewards, our string offerings can't be beat.
For as long as we've been selling strings, Shoreline Music has had the best everyday prices. With free shipping on every US order and 5% loyalty rewards, our string offerings can't be beat.
For as long as we've been selling strings, Shoreline Music has had the best everyday prices. With free shipping on every US order and 5% loyalty rewards, our string offerings can't be beat.
Sold Out $2,608.00
It really didn't take long for the Crowdster Player to become our best selling Crowdster model. And why not? It's a great way to get all the usual Crowdster-y goodness at lower price. Anderson pulls this off by limiting options—these are all Maple over Alder, with maple necks, and no real customization—but everything about this guitar is otherwise 100% Crowdster: Great punch and clarity in a stage guitar that looks pretty cool, too.
I own a Taylor Classic Deluxe T5Z and thought I was set, but I kept reading very good things about the Anderson Crowdster. Shoreline Music had a New Crowdster Player available and I kept looking at it for days. One night I just decided to bite and made the purchase. So after plugging both the Crowdster Player and the T5Z into a Roland AC33 acoustic amp, the face-off began and the results were sudden and not hard to analyze. Both are beautifully finished, well made instruments, thin bodied, nice and light with great playable necks. But as much as I love the T5z, it went back in it’s case for backup duty and the Crowdster Player is now the stud of the herd. To my ear, it is a wonderful guitar - every note just sings out. Also, I like to tune down 1/2 step and the Crowdster doesn’t mind that at all where as I was never very happy doing that with the T5z with any gauge string.
I have been playing acoustic and acoustic / electric guitar in bands for over 20 years. Being a gear nut, I have tried all the guitars you would normally consider when attempting to bring acoustic tones to that environment while limiting feedback; a Gibson Chet SST with upgraded electronics was my main guitar for a decade and I also owned the Taylor T5, Guild Peregrine, Alvarez FCF, Rennaisance R6, Fender Tele Acoustisonic, ESP TL6, Line 6 Variax 700 Acoustic and several others. I kept reading and hearing that the Crowdster was the top of the heap in this category and the demos were helpful, so I started researching them. I had owned an Anderson T-style electric and I knew the brand would deliver on quality....but I also find the tops on a lot of the Crowdsters a little too "bling" for my taste. I saw the "Player" model and figured if there was no compromise in sound, that was the guitar for me. Shoreline had one inbound and John was patient with my questions about the Crowdster Player. I placed the order and they gave me a good price, quick shipping, and excellent communication. I don't gig much these days but it happened that I had two gigs within 10 days of the Crowdster's arrival. I was hoping that the guitar would be well set up with fresh strings so I wouldn't have to unpack the guitar, slam new strings on and then rush out to play. Out of the case, it was perfect; strings were bright, neck felt great, and the Player was nice and light. Two gigs done with great is hard to imagine this guitar being replaced. Not only does it feel great, the control layout is perfect for me (I need a middle control; not just bass and treble). The guitar is stunning to look at, and the neck is a joy to play. It is the best solid body acoustic I have ever played and I am pretty sure I have played them all.