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As you probably know, The Bud from Henriksen Amplifiers has been our bestselling amp since the day we started offering it. With the music industry's best combination of headroom and portability, as well as the most musical EQ section I've ever encountered on an acoustic amp, this makes perfect sense—especially for those of us over 50 who don't feel like being a roadie for the rest of our lives.
But not everyone needs a two-channel amp; it was in fact the mistaken commitment to two channels that caused Fishman to stupidly discontinue their original, tri-amped Loudbox model, which was the best amp they ever made. So when Henriksen announced they were going to make a single-channel version of The Bud, I was the first one standing to applaud. The Blu gives you all the goodness and headroom of The Bud, but in a 12 lb package. It's also a few hundred bucks cheaper. I fully expect this to dislodge The Bud as our bestseller in the coming months. You really should check it out.