For as long as we've been selling strings, Shoreline Music has had the best everyday prices. With free shipping on every US order and 5% loyalty rewards, our string offerings can't be beat.
For as long as we've been selling strings, Shoreline Music has had the best everyday prices. With free shipping on every US order and 5% loyalty rewards, our string offerings can't be beat.
For as long as we've been selling strings, Shoreline Music has had the best everyday prices. With free shipping on every US order and 5% loyalty rewards, our string offerings can't be beat.
For as long as we've been selling strings, Shoreline Music has had the best everyday prices. With free shipping on every US order and 5% loyalty rewards, our string offerings can't be beat.
The original Fire-Eye preamp was the Red-Eye, so named for its big red boost button. But what if you wanted to make a simpler version of the Red-Eye preamp, preserving all its great DI features, without the boost and extra preamp features? Well, what you'd be left with is a world-class DI.
But what to name it, since all your other products end in "eye"? Ah, yes: The "Dee-Eye". Because it's a DI. Now, whenever anyone says, "You should get a DI", it will sound like they're saying, "You should get a Dee-Eye." Daren, using a simple trademarked name, has just made everyone recommending a DI sound like they're recommending his product. Genius.
Oh, and the Dee-Eye is awesome, too.
Previously, on John's recommendation, I'd put a DTAR Wavelength into a Seagull S6+ Original and was using a well respected DI with it, through a PA.
I'd spent some time tweaking EQ with that setup to get the best sound I could from it, as you do.
When I swapped that DI out for the DeeEye, I could hear there was a difference.
So I spent some time tweaking EQ for it and now I've got a better, (more natural) sound from the guitar.
Very happy.
So I'm getting more.
(Thanks the the good advice John.)
Purchased for use with K&K pure mini equipped Taylor 526. The Fire Eye brings something special to my tone, unlike any of my other acoustic pre-amp/DI gear. Couldn't be happier with the purchase. Plus, the fine folks at Shoreline are a pleasure to work with. They are now my "first stop" for any guitar-related purchases...
I now own 3 of these as the other 2 I play with both have some guitars that require good pre-amps in performance. I loop a BBE Sonic Stomp pedal through mine and all 12 of my acoustics are equipped with K&K Pure Minis. There just isn't another transparent pre-amp like the Dee-Eye at that price point. Can't go wrong with it! I also record with my rig and my guitars always sound great!
I had already bought a Red Eye liked it so much I bought a Dee Eye as an extra DI box for my PA. I recently bought a "74 Guild 12-string that I installed a K&K Double Helix sound hole pickup in it sounds GREAT through the Dee Eye. My Martin sounds a little boomy on the bass end through it but the 12 sounds great. Once again quick service and fast shipping from Shoreline. Love their service!!
Great little DI that works great with my K&K Pure Mini. My Mackie PPM1008 has two dedicated preamp channels for plugging in an acoustic guitar or anything utilizing a passive pickup, like the K&K. However, I did my first gig with this rig this weekend and noticed a considrable difference and improvement using the Dee-Eye and running it into one of the standard channels on the Mackie. It required a lot less knob twisting to dial up a sound.
And then there's the Shoreline Aim To Please service policy of getting orders out in a flash....Thanks Shoreline!