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The High Noon listed here is the Kinscherff mini-jumbo model. It features a master-grade Adirondack spruce top, East Indian rosewood back and sides, and a cool spalted maple rosette. Put simply, it's the best guitar in our shop. There are a lot of fine instruments here, of course, but what really sets this instrument apart is its amazing ability to ring on every note. When the guitar first arrived, we spent hours playing it side by side with as many guitars as we could pull off the wall. And every time, we heard in the Kinscherff what we didn't hear in even our best guitars: Every string rings. It's almost like someone took the obsessive attention to balance that you find in a Larrivee, but injected it with just the right bit of the zing and note character you'd find in, say, the mashup of a Goodall, Mcilroy, and Northwood. The tone is lush without being boomy, and because every note stands out, it's like you're getting the double advantage of the note focus of mahogany and the reverb of rosewood.
While the guitar is a great all-rounder, I find that it really shines as a fingerstyler. It's slung pretty low, and the top is remarkably responsive—just the slightest touch produces room-filling volume. I recommend it without reservation.