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This custom Lakewood model honors Sungha Jung, the Korean guitar whiz with dozens of impeccably-executed arrangements garnering hundreds of millions of Youtube hits. It was perhaps inevitable that he would make his mark on Youtube. As far as I can tell, his most popular videos are the ones when he's so young he can barely reach around the guitar (he can be seen playing a standard Lakewood, before his signature made it onto the fretboard).
Lakewood's Grand Concert body style is far and away their best seller in our shop. The great clarity and note separation are perfect for fingerstyle playing of all varieties, while the deeper body adds just touch of pleasing resonance. The European Spruce + Rosewood combo of this guitar is not unique to the signature version, but I think it's Lakewood's best standard wood combination. As you'd expect, it definitely gives this guitar a fuller, deeper tone than Lakewood's mahogany-backed guitars. Throw in a factory-installed Baggs Anthem and Sungha Jung's signature filling the fretboard, and you have a cool and versatile instrument that sounds fantastic plugged in or just playing acoustically.