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As you know if you've spent much time exploring the far reaches of this website, the Larrivee OM-40 has been our bestselling guitar for three straight years. In fact, it's on track to surpass even the venerable Mcilroy A25 as our bestseller ever (although that's more a matter of availability than anything). So whenever Larrivee says, "Hey, we have a slight variation on the OM-40 theme", I'm pretty much already sold on the idea before they even finish saying it.
In this case, they bring Zebrawood to the back and sides, which is a welcome addition. I must confess that I sometimes tire of the "somewhere between Mahogany and Rosewood" description of so many tonewoods, but I do think, like Monkeypod before it, this wood does straddle those two tonal sensibilities pretty nicely. Take just a bit of Rosewood zing, add some Mahogany-esque clarity, and then add an extra dose of punch and volume, and you've got yourself a Zebrawood OM-40. This one's a keeper.