K&K Meridian Pro Microphone System

This is totally brand new, but I stopped listing this a while ago, and only recently unearthed the new-in-box Meridian you see here. Regular price $239.

K&K's latest offering is a great solution to the problem of amplifying your guitar with a microphone. As I've said elsewhere on this website, the inside of a guitar is, in all honesty, no place for a mic. But in our quest for the airy tone that only a mic can provide, we guitar players make internal mics work by blending them with undersaddle pickups, or maybe using soundhole feedback busters. Another solution is to use a clip-on lavalier mic—some of the most natural-sounding recording I've ever done has been with a $25 lav mic from Best Buy clipped to the soundhole of my guitar. In fact, Dougie McLean uses this exact technique in concert (presumably with a better mic than the one I've used). The Meridian is similar to this latter approach, but it uses a much better microphone, and its design is a dramatic improvement. The mic clamps to the body of the guitar around the neck, and points at the strings and soundhole from the outside of the guitar. This captures the movement of both top and strings, as well as air from the soundhole, giving you all the tonal advantages of an external microphone, coupled with the mobility of an internal mic or pickup. As long as your monitors aren't too loud, this is a great way to get natural tone onstage.

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