For as long as we've been selling strings, Shoreline Music has had the best everyday prices. With free shipping on every US order and 5% loyalty rewards, our string offerings can't be beat.
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Boucher's 12-fret OOO has quickly become one of the most crowd-pleasing guitars in our shop. Whenever I have one hanging on the wall, it draws an audience to its rich, balanced tone and superb playability. It doesn't look too bad either.
So when Boucher told me they had a custom 12-fret to send my way, it was a no brainer. And this one includes their Master Grade package—while their Adirondack is always la crème de la crème, you have to check out the Walnut on this beauty: Straight grain, flame, and sapwood, all in the same set. I've never seen Walnut like it.