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Like many of you, I was killing my eardrums in garage bands throughout high school and college, banging away on a Les Paul knockoff that someone sold me for $100, even though it was probably worth half that.
15 years later, I bought a guitar store. So, of course, the natural question arose: Which electrics do I hang on the wall to complement our unique selection of small acoustic builders? I played lots of guitars at NAMM and in guitar shops around the country, but nothing ever moved me. That's why it was so great when Tom Anderson shipped us our first Crowdster. Everything about that guitar was (and is) so extraordinary, I knew that I had finally found the builder to ship us our first-ever electric guitar.
That guitar is the Cobra you see here, and it is awesome. The buttery feel and tone of the short scale are filled out by the mahogany body for a versatile tone that makes even electric guitar hacks like me sound amazing.